The Tissue
Salts are in the form of small, white, soft lactose tablets which act as
carriers for the potentiated mineral salts.
The tablets are allowed to dissolve in the mouth (or added to warm
water) and this carries the active minerals directly into the blood stream and
to the cells, avoiding the digestive tract.
Dr Schussler
believed that disharmony in the body caused disease, and that all the systems
in the body were linked together and could not be treated separately. He therefore advocated that it was the entire
person who was treated and not the disease.
The Tissue Salts can be used to build up and strengthen the body so that
there is no opportunity for illness to take hold.
Tissue Salts
can be used to treat first aid conditions such as colds, ‘flu and inflammation,
and long-term conditions such as eczema and asthma. Each Tissue Salt targets different systems or
parts of the body and works on the mind in an associated way.
Click here for a list of all the Tissue Salts and a brief description
of the emotional state of mind or personality trait associated with each.